L'Évangile et la Liberté
Collection Orthodoxie
256 pages - juin 2006
Le Métropolite Cyrille de Smolensk et de Kaliningrad est une des grandes figures de l’Orthodoxie contemporaine. Il est aujourd’hui l’un des principaux promoteurs et penseurs du dialogue de l’Église orthodoxe russe avec les autres confessions chrétiennes, les religions, la culture contemporaine, les organisations internationales. Homme de culture et de réflexion, sa vigoureuse pensée théologique et spirituelle se révèle au fil des articles rassemblés dans ce livre : c’est un « dialogue du cœur » qu’il propose à travers une réflexion sur les droits de l’homme, les relations entre démocratie et « sobornost’ », les rapports entre foi et science, le pluralisme culturel et religieux, la doctrine sociale de l’Église, le dialogue œcuménique et interreligieux, la place de l’Orthodoxie en Europe. Ses conférences sur l’évangélisation des jeunes, la culture de la paix, la formation éthique, témoignent d’une grande sensibilité pastorale et spirituelle. Dans un long entretien qui précède, le Métropolite Cyrille accepte pour la première fois de livrer son expérience personnelle de croyant et d’évêque : celle de la persécution soviétique, dont il fut le témoin privilégié, celle de la renaissance inespérée de l’Église russe, dont il est l’un des principaux acteurs depuis près de vingt ans.
The Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad is one of the great figures of the Orthodox Church today. He is one of the principal thinkers and promoters of a dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the other Christian confessions, religions, international organisations and contemporary culture. A man of learning and reflection, his vigorous theological and spiritual thinking is revealed throughout the articles assembled in this book: an authentic “dialogue from the heart” through a reflection on human rights, the relations between democracy and “sobornost”, faith and science, cultural and religious pluralism, the Church’s social doctrine, inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue, the place of the Orthodox Church in Europe. His conferences on the Evangelisation of the young, the culture of peace, ethical training… show deep sensitivity to pastoral and spiritual affairs. In a long introductory interview, Metropolitan Kirill accepts, for the first time, to speak of his personal experience as a believer and a bishop: of Soviet persecution, which he observed first hand, of the unhoped-for renaissance of the Russian Church, one of whose leading figures he has been for more than twenty years.
The Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad is one of the great figures of the Orthodox Church today. He is one of the principal thinkers and promoters of a dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the other Christian confessions, religions, international organisations and contemporary culture. A man of learning and reflection, his vigorous theological and spiritual thinking is revealed throughout the articles assembled in this book: an authentic “dialogue from the heart” through a reflection on human rights, the relations between democracy and “sobornost”, faith and science, cultural and religious pluralism, the Church’s social doctrine, inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue, the place of the Orthodox Church in Europe. His conferences on the Evangelisation of the young, the culture of peace, ethical training… show deep sensitivity to pastoral and spiritual affairs. In a long introductory interview, Metropolitan Kirill accepts, for the first time, to speak of his personal experience as a believer and a bishop: of Soviet persecution, which he observed first hand, of the unhoped-for renaissance of the Russian Church, one of whose leading figures he has been for more than twenty years.
- Dimensions : 145x215x15
- ISBN : 9782204081511
- Poids : 372 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Alexandre Siniakov, Hyacinthe Destivelle