L'Esprit se joint à notre esprit
Collection Épiphanie
192 pages - déc. 2011
Le Saint-Esprit est le grand inconnu pour beaucoup de chrétiens. Paul-Dominique Marcovits relève le défi pour que nous entrions davantage dans son mystère et pour que nous comprenions que l'Esprit-Saint est précisément le mystère de Dieu qui nous habite. Il est aussi indispensable que la respiration. Le Fils de Dieu s'est fait homme : on célèbre Noël ! Il a donné sa vie pour nous conduire au Père : on célèbre la Passion, Pâques et l'Ascension ! Notre salut ne serait pas accompli si l'Esprit-Saint n'avait pas été répandu dans nos cœurs pour que nous puissions vivre de la vie même de Dieu. Pentecôte permet à Pâques de s'incarner en chacun et chacune de nous. « L'Esprit se joint à notre esprit » pour que, enfants de Dieu dans le Fils, nous osions nous adresser au Père. En premier lieu, Paul-Dominique Marcovits commente les principaux textes de l'Ancien Testament où se manifestent la présence et l'action de l'Esprit. Pour chacun d'eux, il met en parallèle un texte du Nouveau Testament, montrant ainsi comment c'est le même Esprit-Saint qui anime les Écritures, le même Seigneur Jésus qui en est le centre, et le même Père qui est l'initiateur de notre salut. Ensuite l'auteur nous fait entrer dans l'élan de l'Esprit en nous montrant comment, dans l'Évangile, le Christ invoque ou évoque le Saint-Esprit et décrit son action. Enfin il nous fait chanter, avec saint Paul, la louange de Dieu : « Vous avez reçu un esprit de fils adoptifs qui nous fait nous écrier : Abba ! Père ! L'Esprit en personne se joint à notre esprit pour attester que nous sommes enfants de Dieu. »(Rm 8, 15-16)
For many Christians, the Holy Spirit is the great unknown. Here, Paul-Dominique Marcovits rises to the challenge, inviting us to enter more deeply into the mystery and understand that the Holy Spirit is precisely the mystery of God within us - as indispensable as breathing. The Son of God was made man: we celebrate Christmas! He gave his life to lead us to the Father: we celebrate the Passion, Ester and the Ascension! Our salvation would not be complete if the Holy Spirit had not been infused into our hearts so that we may live the same life as God. Pentecost permits Easter to become incarnate in all of men and women. “The Spirit joins our spirit” so that as God’s children in the Son, we dare speak to the Father. Firstly, Paul-Dominique Marcovits comments on the principal texts of the Old Testament wherein the action and the presence of the Spirit can be observed. For each text, he chooses a corresponding one from the New Testament, showing that it is the same Holy Spirit that breathes life into the Scriptures, the same Lord Jesus who is stands at its centre, and the same Father who initiates our redemption. The author then infuses us with the breath of the Holy Spirit to show us how, in the Gospels, Christ invokes or evokes the Holy Spirit and describes its action. Lastly, the author invites us to sing, with Saint Paul, the praises of God: “For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, by which we cry, Abba, Father! The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” (Rm 8, 15-16)
For many Christians, the Holy Spirit is the great unknown. Here, Paul-Dominique Marcovits rises to the challenge, inviting us to enter more deeply into the mystery and understand that the Holy Spirit is precisely the mystery of God within us - as indispensable as breathing. The Son of God was made man: we celebrate Christmas! He gave his life to lead us to the Father: we celebrate the Passion, Ester and the Ascension! Our salvation would not be complete if the Holy Spirit had not been infused into our hearts so that we may live the same life as God. Pentecost permits Easter to become incarnate in all of men and women. “The Spirit joins our spirit” so that as God’s children in the Son, we dare speak to the Father. Firstly, Paul-Dominique Marcovits comments on the principal texts of the Old Testament wherein the action and the presence of the Spirit can be observed. For each text, he chooses a corresponding one from the New Testament, showing that it is the same Holy Spirit that breathes life into the Scriptures, the same Lord Jesus who is stands at its centre, and the same Father who initiates our redemption. The author then infuses us with the breath of the Holy Spirit to show us how, in the Gospels, Christ invokes or evokes the Holy Spirit and describes its action. Lastly, the author invites us to sing, with Saint Paul, the praises of God: “For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, by which we cry, Abba, Father! The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” (Rm 8, 15-16)
- Dimensions : 135x195x15
- ISBN : 9782204092074
- Poids : 240 grammes
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