Une alliance plus forte que la mort : le mariage
Collection Épiphanie
144 pages - avril 2011
Un jour ou l'autre, tout couple se trouve en face de l'épreuve majeure de la mort d'un des conjoints. Épreuve mutilante et terriblement douloureuse. Comment la traverser ? La foi vécue en profondeur peut apporter une réponse. Dans cet ouvrage, concret et dense, Bernadette Chovelon livre le témoignage de son cheminement après la mort de son époux. Le sacrement de mariage qui les a unis reste sa force et son point d'appui ; il repose sur la vigueur de quelques phrases essentielles de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament concernant l'alliance de Dieu avec le couple. L'amour qui a lié deux êtres pendant des années ne peut pas mourir avec celui ou celle qui s'en va. « Nous demeurons dans l'amour » est la phrase clé de l'ouvrage, car comme le dit saint Paul : « L'Amour ne passe pas. »
One day or another, every couple is faced with the major ordeal of the death of one of the spouses: a mutilating and painful experience. How does one deal with it? A deeply-held faith can provide an answer. In this down-to-earth, rich volume, Bernadette Chovelon gives an account of her own path after the death of her husband. The sacrament of marriage, which was their bond, remains her strength and her support; it is based on the strength of certain fundamental statements concerning God’s covenant with the couple in the Old and New Testaments. The love that has united two beings for many years cannot die when one or the other passes away. “We live in love” is the key phrase of this book, for, as Saint Paul said: “Love never ends.”
One day or another, every couple is faced with the major ordeal of the death of one of the spouses: a mutilating and painful experience. How does one deal with it? A deeply-held faith can provide an answer. In this down-to-earth, rich volume, Bernadette Chovelon gives an account of her own path after the death of her husband. The sacrament of marriage, which was their bond, remains her strength and her support; it is based on the strength of certain fundamental statements concerning God’s covenant with the couple in the Old and New Testaments. The love that has united two beings for many years cannot die when one or the other passes away. “We live in love” is the key phrase of this book, for, as Saint Paul said: “Love never ends.”
- Dimensions : 135x195x12
- ISBN : 9782204094375
- Poids : 200 grammes
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