Trésors d'humanité
Collection Spiritualité
208 pages - mars 2004
L'auteur évoque, sur un demi-siècle d'une vie « engagée » pour la justice, les questionnements, les doutes et les convictions qui ont accompagné son rêve rimbaldien d'adolescent de « changer la vie » et sa recherche inlassable d'une réponse à la question de la violence. Les temps de l'occupation nazie, la rencontre de l'Évangile, l'action caritative de proximité puis les engagements de solidarité avec les déracinés et avec les victimes de la torture et des oppressions forment la trame de ce récit où se mêlent souvenirs et réflexions. À travers cette mémoire, l'auteur cherche avant tout à rendre un hommage vivant aux personnes remarquables qu'il a rencontrées sur sa route, véritables « trésors d'humanit頻, et qui ont poursuivi, malgré toutes les difficultés, le combat contre l'injustice, les exclusions de toutes sortes, pour le respect de la dignité humaine, la solidarité sans frontières et la fraternité.
After half a century’s combat for justice, the author evokes the questions, doubts and convictions that accompanied his Rimbaud-like, teenage dream of ‘changing life’ and his tireless search for a response to the question of violence. The period of the Nazi occupation, his encounter with the Gospels, local humanitarian work and his commitment of solidarity with the exiled and with victims of torture and oppression: all these things form a background to a narrative that weaves together memories and reflection. Through this memoir, the author wishes to pay an enthusiastic homage to the remarkable people he has met along the way: authentic ‘human treasures’ who pursued, in the face of all difficulties, their combat against injustice and exclusion of every kind, a combat for the respect of human dignity, for solidarity without borders and fraternity.
After half a century’s combat for justice, the author evokes the questions, doubts and convictions that accompanied his Rimbaud-like, teenage dream of ‘changing life’ and his tireless search for a response to the question of violence. The period of the Nazi occupation, his encounter with the Gospels, local humanitarian work and his commitment of solidarity with the exiled and with victims of torture and oppression: all these things form a background to a narrative that weaves together memories and reflection. Through this memoir, the author wishes to pay an enthusiastic homage to the remarkable people he has met along the way: authentic ‘human treasures’ who pursued, in the face of all difficulties, their combat against injustice and exclusion of every kind, a combat for the respect of human dignity, for solidarity without borders and fraternity.
- Dimensions : 135x215x13
- ISBN : 9782204073417
- Poids : 276 grammes
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