Église, espace d'alliance (L')
Collection L'Histoire à vif
240 pages - avril 2010
Comment les chrétiens peuvent-ils aborder les prochaines décennies en dépassant les querelles et les amertumes issues des transformations si radicales de leur contexte social et culturel ? Parcourant les grands moments qui ont marqué les soixante dernières années de la vie de l'Église, dans le contexte des grands événements et des mutations de nos sociétés et du monde, Mgr Gérard Defois nous invite à comprendre que les évolutions éprouvantes que nous connaissons ne résultent pas tant des changements opérés par les renouveaux ecclésiaux du XXe siècle, ni des dérives si souvent relevées de l'après-Concile, que des bouleversements culturels et sociaux des dernières décennies. Après avoir examiné les fruits et les impasses des nouveaux rapports entre l'Église et le monde voulus par le Concile, puis après avoir retracé l'évolution de nos sociétés, Mgr Defois réfléchit à la vitalité et aux fragilités des pratiques ecclésiales actuelles. 1l propose une méditation sur le mystère de l'Église, « espace d'alliance entre Dieu et les hommes », don gratuit et intime de Dieu pour le salut de tous, et invite celle-ci à revisiter sa vérité intérieure, celle du Concile. Il se demande même si l'Église, corps du Christ, ne peut pas offrir un modèle de vie en société et, envisageant la sécularisation comme une possible illusion de la modernité, il trace le portrait de l'apôtre comme témoin de l'humilité de Dieu. Un livre très stimulant en ces temps difficiles, car il invite les chrétiens à sortir des culpabilités internes et des conflits qui en résultent pour affronter avec courage les questions posées à la culture et à la société contemporaines.
How should Christians approach the coming decades, reaching beyond the disputes and bitterness that result from radical transformations in their social and cultural context? Recalling the great moments that marked the past sixty years of the Church’s existence, in the context of the great events and changes in our society and the world in general, Mgr Gérard Defois invites us to understand that the challenging evolutions we are now experiencing are not the result of the changes brought about by 20th century ecclesial revivals, nor of the drifts often revealed in the aftermath of the Council; they result from the cultural and social upheavals of the past few decades. After examining the fruits and impasses of the new rapports between the Church and the world desired by the Council, then tracing the evolution of our society, Mgr Defois reflects on the vitality and fragility of current ecclesial practices. He proffers a meditation on the mystery of the Church, ‘a place of covenant between God and man’, a free and personal gift from God for everyone’s salvation, and invites the Church to re-examine its interior truth, that of the Council. He even considers whether the Church, the body of Christ, cannot provide a model lifestyle for society and, seeing secularisation as a possible illusion of modernity, he portrays the apostle as a witness to God’s humility. A most inspiring book for our troubled times, for it invites Christians to leave behind their interior guilt and the resulting conflicts in order to confront, with courage, the issues involving contemporary culture and society.
How should Christians approach the coming decades, reaching beyond the disputes and bitterness that result from radical transformations in their social and cultural context? Recalling the great moments that marked the past sixty years of the Church’s existence, in the context of the great events and changes in our society and the world in general, Mgr Gérard Defois invites us to understand that the challenging evolutions we are now experiencing are not the result of the changes brought about by 20th century ecclesial revivals, nor of the drifts often revealed in the aftermath of the Council; they result from the cultural and social upheavals of the past few decades. After examining the fruits and impasses of the new rapports between the Church and the world desired by the Council, then tracing the evolution of our society, Mgr Defois reflects on the vitality and fragility of current ecclesial practices. He proffers a meditation on the mystery of the Church, ‘a place of covenant between God and man’, a free and personal gift from God for everyone’s salvation, and invites the Church to re-examine its interior truth, that of the Council. He even considers whether the Church, the body of Christ, cannot provide a model lifestyle for society and, seeing secularisation as a possible illusion of modernity, he portrays the apostle as a witness to God’s humility. A most inspiring book for our troubled times, for it invites Christians to leave behind their interior guilt and the resulting conflicts in order to confront, with courage, the issues involving contemporary culture and society.
- Dimensions : 135x215x18
- ISBN : 9782204085854
- Poids : 320 grammes
Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale 259
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de Romilo Knezevic
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