Théologie de la filiation et universalité du salut - CF 277
Collection Cogitatio Fidei - N° 277
640 pages - avril 2011
« Avant d'être des fils d'hommes, nous sommes des fils de Dieu. » Pour comprendre « la théologie de la filiation » de Joseph Wresinski, l'auteur trace d'abord son portrait théologique. Il laisse apparaître une théologie narrative de l'expérience ordonnée à l'action, enracinée dans une herméneutique de la vie, en va-et-vient entre le vécu des très pauvres et l'Évangile. Le regard de Dieu sur l'homme est celui qu'il porte sur l'humanité de son Fils glorifié. En lui, qui a assumé toute pauvreté en épousant la misère humaine, le salut déjà donné pourra être accueilli par toute liberté : « À travers son Fils, ce sont eux que le Père voit. » Ainsi sont fondés la dignité de tout homme et le principe de communion, d'unité et de réconciliation. Celui-ci implique une libération du péché, vu comme brisure de l'image, impossibilité d'aimer Dieu et ses frères, accaparement du savoir : « Un jour viendra où les hommes ne sauront plus s'ils sont pauvres ou riches. Ils sauront seulement qu'ils sont des fils de Dieu. » L'auteur offre ici, tant sur le plan théologique qu'historique, le premier ouvrage d'une grande ampleur sur le père Wresinski, fondateur d'ATD Quart Monde. Il a la particularité de prendre en compte non seulement son œuvre publiée, mais aussi de nombreux écrits encore inédits.
Before being the sons of man, we are the sons of God. To help us understand "the theology of filiation" by Joseph Wresinski, the author firstly sketches his theological portrait, exposing a narrative theology of experience ordained for action, rooted in a hermeneutics of life, oscillating between the lives of the very poor and the Gospel. God sees man as he sees the humanity of his glorified Son. In him, who assumed all poverty by accepting human misery, salvation already granted could be welcomed freely: "Through his Son, it is they whom the Father sees." In this way, the dignity of all mankind and the principle of communion, unity and reconciliation are founded. This implies freedom from sin, perceived as a crack in the image, the impossibility to love both God and one’s brothers, a monopolizing of knowledge: "The day will come when men will no longer know if they are rich or poor. All they will know is that they are the sons of God." Here, the author offers us the first large-scale work on Father Wresinski, founder of ATD Fourth World movement. Both theological and historical in its scope, it takes into account not only his published works, but also countless as yet unpublished writings.
Before being the sons of man, we are the sons of God. To help us understand "the theology of filiation" by Joseph Wresinski, the author firstly sketches his theological portrait, exposing a narrative theology of experience ordained for action, rooted in a hermeneutics of life, oscillating between the lives of the very poor and the Gospel. God sees man as he sees the humanity of his glorified Son. In him, who assumed all poverty by accepting human misery, salvation already granted could be welcomed freely: "Through his Son, it is they whom the Father sees." In this way, the dignity of all mankind and the principle of communion, unity and reconciliation are founded. This implies freedom from sin, perceived as a crack in the image, the impossibility to love both God and one’s brothers, a monopolizing of knowledge: "The day will come when men will no longer know if they are rich or poor. All they will know is that they are the sons of God." Here, the author offers us the first large-scale work on Father Wresinski, founder of ATD Fourth World movement. Both theological and historical in its scope, it takes into account not only his published works, but also countless as yet unpublished writings.
- Dimensions : 135x215x30
- ISBN : 9782204093231
- Poids : 700 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Michel Fédou
Théologie en modernité. Introd. à la pensée de Pannenberg
d' Alexandre Ganoczy
240 pages - févr. 2018