L'Évangile de l'Esprit
de René Coste
Collection Théologies
352 pages - mai 2006
« Beaucoup de livres, de très beaux livres ont été écrits sur l'Esprit Saint et je pense aussi à l'encyclique de Jean-Paul II dont nous célébrons le vingtième anniversaire (mai 1986). Peut-on dire pour autant que l'Esprit Saint n'est plus le "divin Méconnu" ? L'Évangile de l'Esprit de Mgr René Coste est comme le testament d'un théologien qui n'a cessé d'explorer sur tous les chantiers du monde les insondables richesses du christianisme et nous fait découvrir maintenant l'actualité historique de Celui "qui est Seigneur et qui donne la vie", comme le proclame notre Credo. Sans l'Esprit Saint, Dieu est loin dans les cieux, Sans l'Esprit Saint, nous ne sommes plus contemporains de Jésus-Christ, Avec l'Esprit Saint, l'Évangile est encore tout neuf aujourd'hui pour tout homme, Avec l'Esprit Saint, nos pas n'hésitent pas à fouler d'ores et déjà la Terre promise. Jean-Paul II a dit : "Par l'Esprit, Dieu existe sur le mode du don." Si le monde s'essouffle et s'il semble n'avoir plus rien à donner, à partager, c'est parce qu'il n'a plus conscience d'avoir d'abord à recevoir ou plutôt à reconnaître un don l'amour de Dieu, l'amour fou, l'amour gratuit de Dieu dans l'Esprit Saint. Plus un homme se sait habité par l'amour miséricordieux du Seigneur et plus il est poussé par l'Esprit à aimer ses frères, à rendre ainsi cette terre heureuse. » (+ Roger Card. Etchegaray)
“Many books, very beautiful books, have been written about the Holy Spirit; I am also thinking of the John-Paul II’s encyclical, whose 20th anniversary we will be celebrating (May 1986). Yet does this mean we can say the Holy Spirit is no longer the ‘divine Unknown’?” L'Évangile de l'Esprit by Mgr René Coste resembles the testament of a theologian who has incessantly and universally explored the unfathomable richness of Christianity, and who now brings us the historical truth about He “who is the Lord and who brings Life”, as our Credo proclaims. Without the Holy Spirit, God is far away, in the heavens, Without the Holy Spirit we are no longer the contemporaries of Jesus-Christ, With the Holy Spirit, the Gospel is still news today, for all men, With the Holy Spirit, our feet do not hesitate to tread, even now, on the Promised Land. “John-Paul II said: ‘… that through the Holy Spirit, God exists in the mode of gift..’ If the world grows weary, and seems to have nothing left to give, to share, it’s because we are no longer aware that we must first receive, or rather recognize the gift of love from God, passionate love, freely given from God in the Holy Spirit. The more a man knows that the Lord’s forgiving love dwells within him, the more he is urged by the Spirit to love his brothers, and to make the Earth a happy place.”
“Many books, very beautiful books, have been written about the Holy Spirit; I am also thinking of the John-Paul II’s encyclical, whose 20th anniversary we will be celebrating (May 1986). Yet does this mean we can say the Holy Spirit is no longer the ‘divine Unknown’?” L'Évangile de l'Esprit by Mgr René Coste resembles the testament of a theologian who has incessantly and universally explored the unfathomable richness of Christianity, and who now brings us the historical truth about He “who is the Lord and who brings Life”, as our Credo proclaims. Without the Holy Spirit, God is far away, in the heavens, Without the Holy Spirit we are no longer the contemporaries of Jesus-Christ, With the Holy Spirit, the Gospel is still news today, for all men, With the Holy Spirit, our feet do not hesitate to tread, even now, on the Promised Land. “John-Paul II said: ‘… that through the Holy Spirit, God exists in the mode of gift..’ If the world grows weary, and seems to have nothing left to give, to share, it’s because we are no longer aware that we must first receive, or rather recognize the gift of love from God, passionate love, freely given from God in the Holy Spirit. The more a man knows that the Lord’s forgiving love dwells within him, the more he is urged by the Spirit to love his brothers, and to make the Earth a happy place.”
- Dimensions : 145x235x28
- ISBN : 9782204080873
- Poids : 520 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Roger Etchegaray
Questions sur l'Esprit Saint
Lecture de six traités patristiques rédigés entre 350 et 380
de Michel Corbin
448 pages - nov. 2024