Les Lieux de communion
de Jean Corbon
Collection Théologies
688 pages - août 2009
Father Corbon devoted his entire life to the training of priests, monks and nuns, as well as laypeople. He placed his extensive academic knowledge unstintingly in the service of the Church through the countless responsibilities he undertook; among them, member of the Vatican’s International Theological Commission (1986 -1996) and co-editor of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Several articles in the present volume, taken from the first part of ‘Liturgie et Vie selon l'Esprit’, reflect his theological methods and thinking. He was particularly eager to make people aware of the wealth of the theological and spiritual tradition of the Eastern Church, a patrimony that is still too little-known in the West as well as the East. For more than half a century, Father Corbon shared the joys and sorrows not just of Christians, but of all believers in the Middle East. At a time when the Churches in the region found themselves serving as tributaries of Western culture, he was one of the first people to underline the importance of the Arab world as a milieu of Christian culture in the Middle-East, a relational link between all the Churches and ecclesial communities in the region, and, above all, a place of service and witness. At the same time, Father Corbon reminded the Middle-Eastern Churches of their own ecclesial identity, for many of them have roots in the ancient Patriarchate of Antioch. Many of his articles, grouped together in the second part of the book under the title ‘Églises de l'Orient arabe dans la mouvance œcuménique’, testify to his great intuitions in this domain. Yet there is more: a great supporter of spreading the Word and liturgical celebrations, Father Corbon greeted and loved each believer as a brother in Christ. He lived this conviction in his Faith and deepened it through numerous engagements of an ecumenical nature, to the extent that his life will always be associated with the history of ecumenicalism in the Middle-East. Ecumenicalism is the framework that gives this book its unity, its principal theme. May this collection help to keep alive the memory of Father Corbon’s works and of the man himself; as well as the living flame of ecumenical hope, which was the fire in his soul.
- Dimensions : 145x235x35
- ISBN : 9782204088398
- Poids : 980 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Walter Kasper
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