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208 pages - juin 2012
La vie de l'Église s'appauvrit peu à peu par le manque de prêtres et de fidèles. Hervé Reynaud, qui habite la Lozère, nous invite, à sa manière originale, avec une expression d'une lancinante légèreté, à réfléchir d'une manière neuve à la folie de la foi chrétienne. En quarante-sept petits chapitres de méditation, tous plus déroutants les uns que les autres puisqu'ils abordent ce thème sous des angles inattendus, bousculant par le fait même nos manières trop habituelles et confortables de dire notre foi, l'auteur rend un magnifique hommage à Jésus le Christ et, par Lui, à l'homme et à Dieu. Dans la longue introduction qui précède, ayant précisé le but de ses écrits, il s'interroge sur l'Église : Risque-t-elle de mourir ? Que lui manque-t-il aujourd'hui ? Comment expliquer que ses membres actifs parviennent si peu et si mal à la faire vivre et à la faire aimer ? Qu'est-ce qui pourrait la sauver ? On ne trouvera pas dans ce livre des réponses de théologien, mais les questions et les réflexions d'un croyant soucieux de la diffusion de l'Évangile et de l'avenir des communautés chrétiennes. Un livre de chevet, à lire, à méditer, à reprendre, tant il respire et chante le bonheur d'être un homme, d'être aimé de Dieu, d'être disciple de Jésus et d'être membre de l'Église.
The life of the Church grows gradually poorer because of the lack of priests and diminishing congregations. Hervé Reynaud, who lives in Lozère, has issued a light-hearted and original invitation to think the folly of Christian faith in a new way. In forty-seven little chapters to meditate - one more extraordinary than the other because they approach the question from the most unusual angles, so upsetting our hackneyed and comfortable ways of expressing our faith - the author pays a magnificent tribute to Jesus the Christ and, through Him, from man to God. In the long introduction he defines the aim of his writings, posing questions about the Church: Is there a risk it will die? What does it lack today? How can we explain that its active members cannot better manage to make it live and more loved? What could save the Church? There are no theologian’s answers in this book, but the questions and reflections of a believer who is worried about the spreading of the Gospel and the future of Christian communities. A bedside book, to read, think about, dip into; one that breathes and sings the happiness of being a man, being loved by God, being the disciple of Jesus and a member of the Church.
The life of the Church grows gradually poorer because of the lack of priests and diminishing congregations. Hervé Reynaud, who lives in Lozère, has issued a light-hearted and original invitation to think the folly of Christian faith in a new way. In forty-seven little chapters to meditate - one more extraordinary than the other because they approach the question from the most unusual angles, so upsetting our hackneyed and comfortable ways of expressing our faith - the author pays a magnificent tribute to Jesus the Christ and, through Him, from man to God. In the long introduction he defines the aim of his writings, posing questions about the Church: Is there a risk it will die? What does it lack today? How can we explain that its active members cannot better manage to make it live and more loved? What could save the Church? There are no theologian’s answers in this book, but the questions and reflections of a believer who is worried about the spreading of the Gospel and the future of Christian communities. A bedside book, to read, think about, dip into; one that breathes and sings the happiness of being a man, being loved by God, being the disciple of Jesus and a member of the Church.
- Dimensions : 135x195x13
- ISBN : 9782204090773
- Poids : 250 grammes
La meilleure part
De la fraternité des loges à la communion de l'Église
de Christophe Flipo
176 pages - févr. 2015