Femmes et Jésus (Les)
Collection L'Histoire à vif
130 pages - mars 2007
Le lecteur assidu des Évangiles ne peut qu'être frappé par la place privilégiée qu'y tiennent les femmes. Et dans ce moment de l'histoire de nos sociétés où leur rôle est de plus en plus objet de débats, il a semblé utile d'en présenter un tableau aussi complet et ordonné que possible. Cet ouvrage – qui n'est ni de théologie ni d'exégèse – propose une lecture toute simple et directe des textes du Nouveau Testament, parfois de l'Ancien et des récits apocryphes. Il fait état des nombreuses femmes qui accompagnent l'avènement et la manifestation de la Bonne Nouvelle. Même si les douze apôtres sont tous des hommes, il montre l'éminent respect dont a témoigné Jésus envers les femmes, le regard nouveau qu'il a porté sur elles et l'immense confiance qu'il leur faisait. C'est à elles que Jésus a accordé, souvent en premier, le privilège de son enseignement et de sa présence. Puisse cet ouvrage contribuer à promouvoir la place de la femme dans l'Église d'aujourd'hui et, plus largement, dans les religions.
Any assiduous reader of the Gospel cannot help but be struck by the privileged place women occupy. And at this point in the history of our society, when woman’s role is increasingly a subject of debate, it seemed useful to present as complete and organised a list as possible. This book – neither theological nor exegetical – presents a simple and direct reading of the New Testament texts, and occasionally of Old Testament ones, as well as some apocryphal accounts. It makes an inventory of the many women who accompanied the Coming and the manifestation of the Good Tidings. Even if the twelve apostles are all men, it demonstrates the eminent respect Jesus had for women, his regard for them which was entirely new, and the immense trust He placed in them. And it was they who were frequently first to receive the privilege of Jesus’ teaching and presence. May this work contribute to the elevation of women in the Church today and, more generally, in all religions.
Any assiduous reader of the Gospel cannot help but be struck by the privileged place women occupy. And at this point in the history of our society, when woman’s role is increasingly a subject of debate, it seemed useful to present as complete and organised a list as possible. This book – neither theological nor exegetical – presents a simple and direct reading of the New Testament texts, and occasionally of Old Testament ones, as well as some apocryphal accounts. It makes an inventory of the many women who accompanied the Coming and the manifestation of the Good Tidings. Even if the twelve apostles are all men, it demonstrates the eminent respect Jesus had for women, his regard for them which was entirely new, and the immense trust He placed in them. And it was they who were frequently first to receive the privilege of Jesus’ teaching and presence. May this work contribute to the elevation of women in the Church today and, more generally, in all religions.
- Dimensions : 110x200x10
- ISBN : 9782204083430
- Poids : 145 grammes