L'Offrande liturgique
de Lev Gillet / Un Moine de l'Église d'Orient
Collection Épiphanie
120 pages - août 2009
« L'Offrande liturgique » comprend deux parties : la première, « Notes sur la liturgie », suit la célébration de la liturgie de saint Jean Chrysostome. À travers l'évocation d'un rite particulier, le Moine de l'Église d'Orient nous fait découvrir le sens profond, spirituel et universel du mystère auquel le croyant est appelé à participer : l'offrande du Fils au Père, et aussi, dans la communion du Christ et sous le souffle de l'Esprit, avec les anges et les saints de tous les temps, l'offrande du peuple sacerdotal tout entier. La seconde partie de l'ouvrage, « Sois mon prêtre », est une méditation sur la vocation du prêtre qui est invité à regarder Jésus, seule source et seul modèle de tout sacerdoce, et à devenir avec lui, par lui, en lui, un prêtre pour tous.
‘L'Offrande liturgique’ is in two parts: the first, ‘Notes on liturgy’ follows the celebration of Saint John Chrysostom’s liturgy. Through the description of a specific rite, the Monk of the Eastern Church lets us understand the deep meaning, spiritual and universal, of the mystery in which the believer is called to participate: the Son’s offering to the Father, and, in the communion of Christ and in the breath of the Holy Spirit - with the angels and the saints of all times - the offering of the people of believers. The second part of the book, ‘Be a priest for me’, is a meditation on the vocation of the priest who is invited to look upon Jesus, the only source and the only model for all priesthood, and to become with him, through him and in him - a priest for all.
‘L'Offrande liturgique’ is in two parts: the first, ‘Notes on liturgy’ follows the celebration of Saint John Chrysostom’s liturgy. Through the description of a specific rite, the Monk of the Eastern Church lets us understand the deep meaning, spiritual and universal, of the mystery in which the believer is called to participate: the Son’s offering to the Father, and, in the communion of Christ and in the breath of the Holy Spirit - with the angels and the saints of all times - the offering of the people of believers. The second part of the book, ‘Be a priest for me’, is a meditation on the vocation of the priest who is invited to look upon Jesus, the only source and the only model for all priesthood, and to become with him, through him and in him - a priest for all.
- Dimensions : 135x195x8
- ISBN : 9782204090322
- Poids : 160 grammes
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