Toute ma vie, j'ai cherché Dieu
Collection Trésors du Christianisme
192 pages - janv. 2011
« Toute ma vie, j'ai cherché Dieu. Ce fut mon combat. Ce fut ma joie. Toute ma vie, j'ai mis des hommes et des femmes sur le chemin de Dieu. Ce fut mon ministère. Ce fut notre commune aventure spirituelle. » Alors que s'est tue la voix inoubliable du cardinal Marty, ce volume d'hommage rassemble quelques–uns de ses grands textes sur l'amour du Christ et de l'Église qui ont ponctué sa vie d'archevêque de Paris.
“All my life, I have been seeking God. It was my combat. It was my joy. All my life, I have been placing men and women on the path to God. It was my ministry. It was the spiritual adventure we shared.” Now that the unforgettable voice of Cardinal Marty is heard no more, this volume published in homage to him assembles some of those magnificent texts about the love of Christ and the Church that marked his life as Archbishop of Paris.
“All my life, I have been seeking God. It was my combat. It was my joy. All my life, I have been placing men and women on the path to God. It was my ministry. It was the spiritual adventure we shared.” Now that the unforgettable voice of Cardinal Marty is heard no more, this volume published in homage to him assembles some of those magnificent texts about the love of Christ and the Church that marked his life as Archbishop of Paris.
- Dimensions : 135x195x12
- ISBN : 9782204093392
- Poids : 240 grammes
C'est à la nuit de briser la nuit
Lettres à Didier, I (1964-1974)
de Vincent La Soudière
704 pages - mars 2010