Les Premiers chrétiens de Russie
Collection Bibliothèque du Cerf
182 pages - nov. 2010
Voici un ensemble de textes qui retracent la naissance et l'essor du christianisme en Russie. C'est aux IXe et Xe siècles, tandis que les Normands venus de Scandinavie commençaient à organiser la « terre russe », que l'Évangile pénétra par des chemins convergents dans le pays. Marquée dès l'origine par sa rencontre avec le christianisme, la nation russe devait incarner, en des formes originales, l'idéal éternel du message chrétien. Mieux qu'une longue histoire, les documents ici rassemblés manifestent la profondeur avec laquelle le christianisme est venu imprégner ce peuple nouveau. Fougue des princes néophytes, sollicitude des évêques, ardeur ascétique des moines, piété des pèlerins, constance des martyrs, tous ces traits attachants nous font reconnaître, en ces premiers chrétiens de Russie, nos frères dans la foi.
This selection of texts recount the birth and rapid expansion of Christianity in Russia. It was in the 9th and 10th centuries, as the Norsemen from Scandinavia began organising the ‘Russian land’, that the Gospel spread throughout the country by means of convergent paths. Marked from the outset by its encounter with Christianity, the Russian nation, in its own ways, embodies the eternal ideal of the Christian message. More than just a lengthy history, the documents assembled here tell us how deeply this new people were imbued with Christianity. The spiritedness of the neophyte princes, the solicitude of the bishops, the ascetic ardour of the monks, the piety of the pilgrims, the fortitude of the martyrs, all these captivating traits enable us to recognise, in these early Russian Christians, our brothers in faith.
This selection of texts recount the birth and rapid expansion of Christianity in Russia. It was in the 9th and 10th centuries, as the Norsemen from Scandinavia began organising the ‘Russian land’, that the Gospel spread throughout the country by means of convergent paths. Marked from the outset by its encounter with Christianity, the Russian nation, in its own ways, embodies the eternal ideal of the Christian message. More than just a lengthy history, the documents assembled here tell us how deeply this new people were imbued with Christianity. The spiritedness of the neophyte princes, the solicitude of the bishops, the ascetic ardour of the monks, the piety of the pilgrims, the fortitude of the martyrs, all these captivating traits enable us to recognise, in these early Russian Christians, our brothers in faith.
- Dimensions : 125x195x12
- ISBN : 9782204094276
- Poids : 210 grammes
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