Vers une refondation de la science économique ?
Collection La Nuit surveillée
384 pages - mai 2008
L'économie se considère souvent comme la reine des sciences sociales, dont la scientificité repose sur l'utilisation du langage mathématique. Pourtant, cette science, dans le contexte actuel, tend à ne devenir qu'une technique mathématique de résolution des problèmes et par là perd son objet et sa spécificité même. L'objet de ce livre est d'interroger la prétention à la scientificité de l'économie par une réflexion sur les conditions de possibilité d'un discours scientifique et les formes d'argumentation qu'il requiert. Loin d'être condamnée à être une discipline qui perd son objet au profit de la mise en valeur de ses instruments techniques, la science économique, par une réflexion critique sur ses fondements, peut redevenir une économie politique dans laquelle la complexité des phénomènes économiques doit être prise en compte. Bien plus, il est possible de réévaluer l'articulation entre institutions et acteurs économiques en montrant que les actions économiques ne peuvent être pensées comme la simple résultante de déterminismes sociaux.
Economics is often considered to be the social science par excellence, its scientific nature endorsed by its use of mathematical language. Yet in today’s context, this science tends to be no more than a mathematical technique used to solve problems, thereby losing both its purpose and its specificity. The aim of this book is to examine economics’ claim to scientificity in a reflection on the conditions under which scientific discourse is possible, and the forms of argumentation it requires. Far from being condemned to become a discipline whose purpose has been defeated by the merits of its technical instruments, economic science can – after a critical reflection on its fundamental principles - become a domain of political economy in which the complexity of economic phenomena must be taken into account. Moreover, it is possible to reassess the articulation between institutions and economic deciders by showing that economic initiatives cannot be viewed as the simple result of social determinisms.
Economics is often considered to be the social science par excellence, its scientific nature endorsed by its use of mathematical language. Yet in today’s context, this science tends to be no more than a mathematical technique used to solve problems, thereby losing both its purpose and its specificity. The aim of this book is to examine economics’ claim to scientificity in a reflection on the conditions under which scientific discourse is possible, and the forms of argumentation it requires. Far from being condemned to become a discipline whose purpose has been defeated by the merits of its technical instruments, economic science can – after a critical reflection on its fundamental principles - become a domain of political economy in which the complexity of economic phenomena must be taken into account. Moreover, it is possible to reassess the articulation between institutions and economic deciders by showing that economic initiatives cannot be viewed as the simple result of social determinisms.
- Dimensions : 135x215x22
- ISBN : 9782204082310
- Poids : 480 grammes