Nicolas de Cues – Anthologie
Collection Dictionnaires
352 pages - janv. 2013
Nicolas de Cues est un auteur encore peu connu du public français. Maurice de Gandillac a été le premier à le faire sortir de l’ombre en traduisant ses textes. Or le Cusain est un auteur majeur qui a assuré le passage du Moyen Age à la Renaissance. C’est, en quelque sorte, le premier des humanistes, un théologien incontournable, un esprit universel qui s’intéresse aussi bien au droit qu’aux mathématiques, à l’astronomie, à la philosophie, ou à l’action sociale, comme en témoigne le célèbre hôpital qu’il a fait construire à Bernkastel-Kues pour accueillir les plus démunis. Même s’il opte pour la spéculation, il a le souci de rendre ses idées accessibles à tous, comme en témoigne le célèbre jeu de la boule, ou encore la référence à l’icône qu’il propose pour amener les fidèles à l’expérience de la vision de Dieu. La présente anthologie, inédite en français, ne présente pas seulement l’ouvrage classique de Nicolas de Cues qu’est la « Docte Ignorance », mais offre un large choix de textes donnant une idée des différentes facettes de ce grand précurseur de la modernité.
Nicolas de Cues is an author as yet unfamiliar to the French public. Maurice de Gandillac was the first to rescue him from obscurity by translating his texts. Yet Nicolas de Cues is a major author who ensured the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. He was, in some ways, the first humanist, a major theologian and a universal spirit who was interested as much in law as in mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and social action, as demonstrated by the famous hospital he had built at Bernkastel-Kues to shelter the very poor. Even if he opted for speculation, he took care to make his ideas accessible to everyone, as seen in his celebrated ‘Game of Spheres’ (De ludo globi), and in the reference to the icon he proposed to give the faithful an experience of the vision of God. The present anthology, published in French for the first time, contains not only Nicolas de Cues’ classic work De Docta Ignorantia, but also a wide range of texts that convey the different facets of this great precursor of modernity.
Nicolas de Cues is an author as yet unfamiliar to the French public. Maurice de Gandillac was the first to rescue him from obscurity by translating his texts. Yet Nicolas de Cues is a major author who ensured the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. He was, in some ways, the first humanist, a major theologian and a universal spirit who was interested as much in law as in mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and social action, as demonstrated by the famous hospital he had built at Bernkastel-Kues to shelter the very poor. Even if he opted for speculation, he took care to make his ideas accessible to everyone, as seen in his celebrated ‘Game of Spheres’ (De ludo globi), and in the reference to the icon he proposed to give the faithful an experience of the vision of God. The present anthology, published in French for the first time, contains not only Nicolas de Cues’ classic work De Docta Ignorantia, but also a wide range of texts that convey the different facets of this great precursor of modernity.
- Dimensions : 180x230x25
- ISBN : 9782204094498
- Poids : 820 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Harald Schwaetzer, Klaus Reinhardt, Marie-Anne Vannier, Walter Andreas Euler
Vérités dissonantes. Aristote à la fin du Moyen Âge
d' Eugenio Randi ,Luca Bianchi
268 pages - avril 1993