SC 516 Histoire ecclésiastique, Livres VII-IX
de Sozomène
Collection Sources chrétiennes - N° 516
496 pages - avril 2008
49.00€ - 24,51€
The three last Books of Sozomen’s ‘Historia Ecclesiastica’ tell the history of the Church and of the Christian Empire during a fifty-year period (379 – c. 425) under the successive representatives of the Theodosian dynasty: Theodosius the Great, his sons Arcadius in the East and Honorius in the West, his grandson Theodosius II governed by his eldest sister Pulcheria, the most charismatic and brilliant princess of the Theodosian age. Although the book today remains unfinished, its irrefutable historical interest and literary charm lie in the fact that it assembles two diverse viewpoints: that of deepest Palestine, Sozomen’s place of birth; and the radiant Constantinople where he lived, practiced his profession as a lawyer and above all, wrote. His ‘History’ brings us the rare pleasure of seeing them united in the same picture, echoing one another, while the narrative sacrifices neither the officialdom incarnated by the emperors, nor the spiritual penchant represented by the Bishop and ‘martyr’, Jean Chrysostome. From Bethelia, near Gaza, his ‘little homeland’, to Constantinople, the political, cultural and religious capital, his ‘History’ unfolds into a vast, harmonious synthesis which embraces the silent desert, inhabited by the meditation of monks, and the tumultuous passions of the ‘New Rome’.
- Dimensions : 125x195x35
- ISBN : 9782204085816
- Poids : 535 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : André-Jean Festugière, Bernard Grillet, Guy Sabbah, Joseph Bidez, Laurent Angliviel de la Beaumelle
Les quarante martyrs de Sébaste
de Grégoire de Nysse ,Basile de Césarée ,Éphrem de Nisibe ,Sozomène ,Théodore Stoudite ,Gaudence de Brescia ,Grégoire de Tours
216 pages - oct. 2018
SC 553 Homélies, II
Homélies 6-10 — Fragments divers — Épître synodale — Lettre à Séleucos
d' Amphiloque d'Iconium
400 pages - nov. 2012