L'École de la fragilité
de Denis Trinez
Collection Épiphanie
112 pages - févr. 2005
Quand notre fragilité fait surface, nous avons beaucoup de mal à l'assumer. Nous tentons désespérément de l'occulter. Il n'est pas rare qu'un certain volontarisme humain et spirituel surgisse spontanément ou qu'une tendance à l'activisme se fasse jour. Autant de tentatives déguisées, souvent vaines, de nous fuir nous-mêmes. Or, Dieu nous attend tels que nous sommes. Il nous cherche là, en ces points de fragilité qui sont les nôtres. C'est à cette réconciliation avec nous-mêmes, à cette rencontre intime avec Dieu dans nos fragilités, que ce livre nous invite. Il s'agit d'un chemin de descente progressive au plus profond de notre cœur, en ce lieu intime de vulnérabilité ou se manifeste la présence, infiniment vulnérable elle-même, de Dieu qui nous libère, nous raffermit et nous rend heureux. Mais pour vivre cette aventure de relèvement, il faut lâcher prise, lâcher ses fausses sécurités, et se laisser humblement et simplement guider par Dieu. Par petites notes successives – à reprendre et à méditer –, par étapes toutes simples, l'auteur nous propose un authentique chemin de libération où il s'agit de laisser la force de Dieu se déployer dans nos fragilités.
When our fragility comes to the surface, we find it very difficult to handle. We try desperately to hide it. A certain human and spiritual voluntarism may spontaneously emerge, or a tendency toward activism: disguised efforts - often vain - to run away from ourselves. But God is there, waiting for us, just as we are. He seeks us in those moments of fragility. This book invites us to enter into that reconciliation with ourselves, that intimate encounter with God, in our own fragility. The path that leads to the depths of our hearts is a gradually descending one, ending in an intimate place of vulnerability, where a presence – infinitely vulnerable also - is felt: that of God who frees, strengthens and brings us joy. But to experience that uplifting adventure, one has to let go, no longer cling to false sanctuary and allow oneself meekly to be guided by God. In a succession of short notes to be reread and meditated, step after step, the author reveals a unique path to liberation, wherein we must simply allow God’s strength to penetrate our fragility.
When our fragility comes to the surface, we find it very difficult to handle. We try desperately to hide it. A certain human and spiritual voluntarism may spontaneously emerge, or a tendency toward activism: disguised efforts - often vain - to run away from ourselves. But God is there, waiting for us, just as we are. He seeks us in those moments of fragility. This book invites us to enter into that reconciliation with ourselves, that intimate encounter with God, in our own fragility. The path that leads to the depths of our hearts is a gradually descending one, ending in an intimate place of vulnerability, where a presence – infinitely vulnerable also - is felt: that of God who frees, strengthens and brings us joy. But to experience that uplifting adventure, one has to let go, no longer cling to false sanctuary and allow oneself meekly to be guided by God. In a succession of short notes to be reread and meditated, step after step, the author reveals a unique path to liberation, wherein we must simply allow God’s strength to penetrate our fragility.
- Dimensions : 135x195x8
- ISBN : 9782204077699
- Poids : 150 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : André Louf