Fièvre démocratique et ferveur fondamentaliste
Collection L'Histoire à vif
224 pages - févr. 2008
L'année 2007 a confirmé deux tendances lourdes du temps : la diffusion générale de l'idéal démocratique et la poussée du fondamentalisme religieux et identitaire. Toute démocratie, parce qu'elle trouve sa légitimation d'abord dans les traditions historiques d'un peuple, est, d'une certaine manière, fondamentaliste : elle doit, pour s'épanouir, s'ancrer solidement dans des principes culturels endogènes. La démocratie est donc la clé pour ouvrir en grand les portes de la tradition, pour y faire un tri et favoriser le dialogue. Contrairement a ce que l'on pense souvent, ces deux notions peuvent se corriger mutuellement. L'auteur livre donc une réflexion politique inspirée de l'actualité et articulée sur des analyses historiques précises (soubresauts du monde arabe, positionnements doctrinaux de l'Église orthodoxe russe, réveil des peuples autochtones, montée en puissance du fondamentalisme intégriste américain) dans le but de refonder le projet démocratique en le rendant plus universel car plus respectueux des valeurs propres de chaque culture.
In the year 2007, two crucial trends of our times were confirmed: the diffusion of the democratic ideal and the upsurge of religious and identity fundamentalism. All democracies, because they base their legitimacy on the historical traditions of a people, are, to a certain extent, fundamentalist: they must, in order to expand, be firmly rooted in endogenous cultural principles. Democracy is, in this respect, the key to open the doors of tradition wide, separate the chaff from the grain and encourage dialogue. Contrary to what is often believed, these two notions can be mutually corrective. The author brings us a political reflection inspired by topical events and structured around precise historical analyses (the turmoil of the Arab world, doctrinal positions of the Russian Orthodox Church, the awakening of autochthonous peoples, the rise in power of American fundamentalism) in the aim of re-establishing the democratic project by making it more universal, because it respects the specific values of each culture.
In the year 2007, two crucial trends of our times were confirmed: the diffusion of the democratic ideal and the upsurge of religious and identity fundamentalism. All democracies, because they base their legitimacy on the historical traditions of a people, are, to a certain extent, fundamentalist: they must, in order to expand, be firmly rooted in endogenous cultural principles. Democracy is, in this respect, the key to open the doors of tradition wide, separate the chaff from the grain and encourage dialogue. Contrary to what is often believed, these two notions can be mutually corrective. The author brings us a political reflection inspired by topical events and structured around precise historical analyses (the turmoil of the Arab world, doctrinal positions of the Russian Orthodox Church, the awakening of autochthonous peoples, the rise in power of American fundamentalism) in the aim of re-establishing the democratic project by making it more universal, because it respects the specific values of each culture.
- Dimensions : 135x215x15
- ISBN : 9782204084963
- Poids : 300 grammes
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