Les raisons d'agir
de Hugues Puel
Collection L'Histoire à vif
240 pages - mai 2009
Dans cet ouvrage, Hugues Puel rassemble les chroniques qu'il a fait paraître, ces dernières années, dans la revue « Économie et humanisme », dont il évoque, en annexe, les soixante-cinq années d'existence. Saisies dans un monde en changement rapide et déconcertant, ces chroniques mettent à nu les ressorts de l'action de personnes fort diverses : chefs d'État, hommes politiques, chefs d'entreprise, mais aussi acteurs moins visibles ou plus discrets, de l'actualité, souvent livrés aux angoisses de situations provocantes ou injustes. Ces femmes et ces hommes sont confrontés au problème des choix à faire dans les contextes de la guerre ou de la paix à structurer, de la mondialisation de la concurrence économique, de luttes difficiles contre la pauvreté et pour la justice. Certaines de ces personnes sont animées, dans des situations désespérées, d'un féroce vouloir-vivre. Ces situations particulières, avec les motivations et convictions qu'elles recèlent (désir de puissance, recherche d'enrichissement, mais aussi foi en l'homme, avec ou sans référence religieuse) ont une portée plus générale et revêtent un caractère emblématique. La lecture de l'actualité et des événements de notre quotidien à travers les raisons d'agir des acteurs qui en émergent est un exercice de discernement qui peut aller de la consternation à l'humour. Au cœur de la crise profonde du système économique, la lecture de ces chroniques, écrites par un bon spécialiste, et qui couvrent les événements du début du siècle, est très stimulante pour comprendre la situation présente.
In this book, Hugues Puel assembles the articles he has published over the past few years in ‘Économie et humanisme’, also evoking the sixty-five-year-long existence of the review. Written in an international context of rapid and disturbing change, they lay bare the means of action open to a large variety of people: heads of State, politicians, managers of firms, but also the less visible, more discreet names in the news, people who are often exposed to the anguish of unjust and painful situations. These men and women are confronted with the problem of making choices in contexts of war or the building of peace; the globalization of economic competition; difficult struggles against poverty and fights for justice. Some of them, even in desperate circumstances, are driven by a ferocious desire to live. These specific situations, with the motivations and convictions they hide (the desire for power, the search for wealth, but also faith in man, with or without a religious reference) have a more general impact and take on an emblematic value. Reading the news and daily events, while observing why those involved acted as they did, is an exercise in discernment that provokes everything from consternation to humour. At the heart of the deep crisis of our economic system, these articles, written by a knowledgeable specialist and covering events from the beginning of the century, are an invitation to understand what’s going on today.
In this book, Hugues Puel assembles the articles he has published over the past few years in ‘Économie et humanisme’, also evoking the sixty-five-year-long existence of the review. Written in an international context of rapid and disturbing change, they lay bare the means of action open to a large variety of people: heads of State, politicians, managers of firms, but also the less visible, more discreet names in the news, people who are often exposed to the anguish of unjust and painful situations. These men and women are confronted with the problem of making choices in contexts of war or the building of peace; the globalization of economic competition; difficult struggles against poverty and fights for justice. Some of them, even in desperate circumstances, are driven by a ferocious desire to live. These specific situations, with the motivations and convictions they hide (the desire for power, the search for wealth, but also faith in man, with or without a religious reference) have a more general impact and take on an emblematic value. Reading the news and daily events, while observing why those involved acted as they did, is an exercise in discernment that provokes everything from consternation to humour. At the heart of the deep crisis of our economic system, these articles, written by a knowledgeable specialist and covering events from the beginning of the century, are an invitation to understand what’s going on today.
- Dimensions : 135x215x20
- ISBN : 9782204088411
- Poids : 300 grammes
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