Marie de Nazareth au regard des chrétiens du premier siècle
Collection Lectio Divina - N° 255
400 pages - janv. 2013
Qui était Marie de Nazareth ? Quels étaient ses rapports avec les Galiléennes de son temps et les autres femmes dont parle le Nouveau Testament ? Quel fut le regard porté sur Marie par chacune des premières communautés chrétiennes dans leur diversité ? Pour le savoir, Charles Perrot nous emmène à la découverte du monde féminin juif de la Galilée de cette époque native. La figure de Marie se dégage ainsi dans sa singularité parmi les autres femmes mises en relief au sein des écrits retenus par le canon. Les témoignages de Paul et de Marc, celui des judaïsants autour des « frères » de Jésus, puis de Matthieu, Luc et Jean achèvent de dessiner le portrait qui est l'objet de cette étude ; une telle pluralité d'approches fait alors émerger progressivement l'unité de la figure de Marie.
Who was Mary of Nazareth? What was her relationship with the Galileans of her times, and with the other women mentioned in the New Testament? How did the various first Christian communities perceive her? In order to answer these questions, Charles Perrot whisks us back to the world of Galilean Jewish women. The figure of Mary stands out from the other women portrayed in the canonical Scriptures by her individuality. Accounts of her by Paul and Mark, the Judaizers among the Jesus’ ‘brothers’, and by Matthew, Luke and John, round off the portrait that constitutes the object of this study; the multiplicity of perceptions gradually providing a full and complete picture of Mary.
Who was Mary of Nazareth? What was her relationship with the Galileans of her times, and with the other women mentioned in the New Testament? How did the various first Christian communities perceive her? In order to answer these questions, Charles Perrot whisks us back to the world of Galilean Jewish women. The figure of Mary stands out from the other women portrayed in the canonical Scriptures by her individuality. Accounts of her by Paul and Mark, the Judaizers among the Jesus’ ‘brothers’, and by Matthew, Luke and John, round off the portrait that constitutes the object of this study; the multiplicity of perceptions gradually providing a full and complete picture of Mary.
- Dimensions : 135x215x30
- ISBN : 9782204099219
- Poids : 510 grammes
L'Origine du christianisme
72 pages - mars 2006