Benoît XVI — La joie de croire
de Chantal Colonge , Paul Colonge
Collection L'Histoire à vif
752 pages - mai 2011
Façonné par le catholicisme bavarois, exceptionnellement doué, Joseph Ratzinger fait une rapide et brillante carrière universitaire, interrompue par sa nomination comme archevêque de Munich, puis comme préfet de la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la foi. Élu évêque de Rome en avril 2005, il succède au pape Jean-Paul II et exerce les premières années de son ministère universel, gratifié par l'admiration profonde de beaucoup de chrétiens mais en butte aux critiques des médias et des politiques. Chantal et Paul Colonge nous offrent un ouvrage qui ne retrace pas seulement l'itinéraire de Joseph Ratzinger (son enfance, sa formation, ses premiers pas de jeune prêtre, son enseignement, son ministère épiscopal, sa collaboration avec Jean-Paul II, les six premières années de son pontificat...) mais qui analyse aussi les éléments caractéristiques de sa pensée, à partir de ses écrits. L'originalité de l'ouvrage tient en ce que leurs auteurs sont allés à la rencontre des personnes, des lieux et des documents qui permettent de comprendre l'homme de conviction et de foi qu'est aujourd'hui Benoît XVI. Du jeune adolescent en uniforme militaire (1944) au professeur contesté (1968), de l'archevêque chahuté dans un diocèse divisé au préfet interpellé par les théologiens de la libération et par les traditionalistes, rien ne sera épargné à Joseph Ratzinger dont Mgr Gérard Defois, dans sa préface, caractérise ainsi la personnalité : « sous les habits du pape et du pasteur réapparaît régulièrement la toge de l'universitaire [avec son] goût de l'analyse, de l'explication, de l'exposition ». Ce grand livre foisonnant d'informations connues ou, pour beaucoup, ignorées, enrichi d'annexes et d'index, rend Benoît XVI très proche. Á la portée d'un large public, il est aussi un instrument de travail fort utile.
A product of Bavarian Catholicism and an exceptionally gifted man, Joseph Ratzinger had a rapid and brilliant university career which was interrupted by his nomination as Archbishop of Munich, then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Elected Bishop of Rome in April 2005, he succeeded Pope John-Paul II and is now carrying out the first years of his universal ministry, rewarded by the profound admiration of many Christians; but facing hostility from the media and politicians. Chantal and Paul Colonge have produced a work which not only traces the itinerary of Joseph Ratzinger (his childhood, training, first steps as a young priest, his teaching, episcopal ministry, collaboration with John Paul II, the first six years of his pontificate...) but also analyses the characteristic elements of his thinking, based on his writings. The book’s originality lies in the fact that its authors actually went to the length of meeting the people involved, visiting the places mentioned and consulting the documents cited, all of which contribute to our understanding of the man of faith and conviction who is now Benedict XVI. From the teenager in military uniform (1944) to the controversial professor (1968), from the heckled archbishop in a divided diocese to the prefect questioned by liberal theologians and traditionalists, every aspect of Joseph Ratzinger is treated. In his preface, Mgr Gérard Defois describes his personality in these words: "beneath the papal and priestly robes, the university professor’s gown regularly appears, with his love of analysis, discussion and the exposé". This great volume with its wealth of well-known, or for many, unknown facts, enriched with appendices and an index, brings Benedict XVI very close to us indeed. A book to be enjoyed by the general public and an excellent reference.
A product of Bavarian Catholicism and an exceptionally gifted man, Joseph Ratzinger had a rapid and brilliant university career which was interrupted by his nomination as Archbishop of Munich, then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Elected Bishop of Rome in April 2005, he succeeded Pope John-Paul II and is now carrying out the first years of his universal ministry, rewarded by the profound admiration of many Christians; but facing hostility from the media and politicians. Chantal and Paul Colonge have produced a work which not only traces the itinerary of Joseph Ratzinger (his childhood, training, first steps as a young priest, his teaching, episcopal ministry, collaboration with John Paul II, the first six years of his pontificate...) but also analyses the characteristic elements of his thinking, based on his writings. The book’s originality lies in the fact that its authors actually went to the length of meeting the people involved, visiting the places mentioned and consulting the documents cited, all of which contribute to our understanding of the man of faith and conviction who is now Benedict XVI. From the teenager in military uniform (1944) to the controversial professor (1968), from the heckled archbishop in a divided diocese to the prefect questioned by liberal theologians and traditionalists, every aspect of Joseph Ratzinger is treated. In his preface, Mgr Gérard Defois describes his personality in these words: "beneath the papal and priestly robes, the university professor’s gown regularly appears, with his love of analysis, discussion and the exposé". This great volume with its wealth of well-known, or for many, unknown facts, enriched with appendices and an index, brings Benedict XVI very close to us indeed. A book to be enjoyed by the general public and an excellent reference.
- Dimensions : 145x235x35
- ISBN : 9782204094870
- Poids : 930 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Gérard Defois