Vérité et amour - CF 286
Collection Cogitatio Fidei - N° 286
336 pages - janv. 2013
Repenser autrement la vérité intramondaine, la vérité divine ainsi que leur rapport selon la logique de l’amour à travers une lecture de « La Théologique » de Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988), fait toute l’originalité de ce livre. La tendance à réfléchir d’abord sur la question de la Vérité en général, afin d’appliquer ensuite les conclusions aux deux vérités — comme si elles étaient convertibles —, s’avère incongrue. Il est urgent de changer de perspective dans le but de trouver, en évitant les écueils du relativisme et de l’absolutisme, une « troisième voie » qui aide les humains, via le processus du dialogue, à édifier des relations dignes d’un monde voué à la vie. Or, selon la conception balthasarienne, chaque vérité possède une logique qui lui est propre, et elles entretiennent toutes deux un rapport analogique, anologique et catalogique à l’intérieur de la circumincession des transcendantaux. C’est pourquoi une réflexion sur les dimensions esthétique (le Beau), dramatique (le Bon) et logique (le Vrai) des deux vérités revêt une importance primordiale pour la compréhension de leur relation. Par le biais de la méthode de la « polarité-dans-la-ternarit頻, ce livre explore de nouvelles pistes de recherche, lesquelles invitent la philosophie à reconsidérer le rôle de l’amour dans la recherche de la sagesse et exhortent la théologie à accueillir la vérité divine comme l’engagement d’amour du « Logos » divin. Ainsi, l’amour de chaque vérité se mesurera à l’aune de la vérité de l’Amour.
This volume’s great originality is to rethink both intra-worldly and divine truth, along with their relationship regarding the logic of love through the prism of ‘Theo-Logic’ by Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988). The tendency to first ponder the question of truth in general, before applying the conclusions to both truths — as though they were interchangeable — proves incongruous. An urgent change in perspective is required in order to find a ‘third route’ that will, by avoiding the pitfalls of relativism and absolutism and through the process of dialogue, help humanity construct relations that are worthy of a world devoted to life. Now, according to the Balthasarian concept, each truth has its own logic; and they both form a rapport that is analogical, anological and catalogical within transcendental circumincession. This is why a reflection on the aesthetic (Beauty), dramatic (Goodness) and logical (Trueness) dimensions of the two truths is of primordial importance to understand their relationship. Employing the ‘polarity-in-ternarity’ method, this book explores new paths for research which invite philosophy to reconsider the role of love in the search for wisdom and encourage theology to embrace divine truth as the love-pledge of the divine ‘Logos’. In this manner, the love of each truth can measure up to the truth of Love.
This volume’s great originality is to rethink both intra-worldly and divine truth, along with their relationship regarding the logic of love through the prism of ‘Theo-Logic’ by Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988). The tendency to first ponder the question of truth in general, before applying the conclusions to both truths — as though they were interchangeable — proves incongruous. An urgent change in perspective is required in order to find a ‘third route’ that will, by avoiding the pitfalls of relativism and absolutism and through the process of dialogue, help humanity construct relations that are worthy of a world devoted to life. Now, according to the Balthasarian concept, each truth has its own logic; and they both form a rapport that is analogical, anological and catalogical within transcendental circumincession. This is why a reflection on the aesthetic (Beauty), dramatic (Goodness) and logical (Trueness) dimensions of the two truths is of primordial importance to understand their relationship. Employing the ‘polarity-in-ternarity’ method, this book explores new paths for research which invite philosophy to reconsider the role of love in the search for wisdom and encourage theology to embrace divine truth as the love-pledge of the divine ‘Logos’. In this manner, the love of each truth can measure up to the truth of Love.
- Dimensions : 135x215x20
- ISBN : 9782204097741
- Poids : 430 grammes
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